Our technology programs include
Kootenay Lightweb
Web Development, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Kootenay Lightweb

The Kemball Centre basement houses the Kaslo infoNet’s independant fibre network Point of Presence, and KLIC board members are working on a Community Cloud for our region. The services including open source application development for regional business, government systems and data management. We are looking for professionals who are skilled to manage this type of activity. Read more.
Web Development and Data Science + Artificial Intelligence

Our partner BrainStation has worked with the province to create an opportunity for British Columbian’s to upskill and become Web Developers or Data Scientists and Artificial Intelligence Professionals through our digital skills training programs. Thanks to this partnership, there are some upcoming cohorts that could allow you to participate in our tuition-free Web Development and Data Science Bootcamps. They are educator-led, taught online live and allow you to learn from the comfort of your home. We focus on interactive Project-Based Learning (outcome focused) so you can get hands-on experience as you go through the program. While you are in the program, our Career Accelerator Program runs at the same time. Which includes a number of professional development workshops as well as 6 months post-bootcamp support to help you land a job as a Web Developer or Data Scientist and Artificial Intelligence Pro!
If you have thought about becoming a developer or scientist, or simply curious to learn more about these career paths and how we could support you, let’s connect!
Eligibility Criteria
1. Must be 18 years of age or older.
2. Must be a Resident of British Columbia
3. Must be a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or a Protected Person entitled to work in Canada.
4. Must be underemployed (working less than 30 hours a week)
5. If you are receiving Employment Insurance (EI) or Income Assistance (IA) there is an additional form you must submit to the Federal Government in order to enrol in either program.
6. Must not currently, or have previously enrolled in another federal or provincial funded program within the last 12 months
Web Development
Quickly get up to speed with the basics of web development, including HTML, CSS, Git, Terminal, and other computer science fundamentals. By the end of this foundational web development unit, you’ll be able to set up new projects and build styled multi-page websites from scratch by applying concepts like BEM, Flexbox, and Sass to build static web pages. You’ll also learn how to structure your projects like an experienced Web Developer and protect your work by using Git to manage files and control versions of your work. You will also be introduced to generative AI tools such as Copilot and the future of AI-powered software development.
Read about the entire curriculum from our partner Brainstation.
Data Science
Build a strong foundation and prepare yourself for more advanced work ahead by learning about data types, how to work with them, and more. In this unit, you’ll also explore the world of databases, and how to work with relational database management software (MySQL) to model, structure, and manipulate data for analysis. You will also begin learning about programming through SQL, enabling you to write powerful queries to perform data operations. Finally, you’ll use Tableau, an industry-standard tool, to craft dynamic visualizations and dashboards that effectively communicate insights to others.
Read about the entire curriculum from our partner Brainstation.
Next Steps If interested in learning more, please email us at klic@kootenays.org